There are many websites which don’t support the
“remember the password and username” feature of websites.
They are mainly online transaction websites which override
the auto-fill feature of the website.
Generally after saving the password and username in your
personal PC, you expect the browser to save you from the
tussle of filling the details again and again. But websites like
PayPal and websites with banking facilities disable this
feature for security reason. Each time you perform the
transaction, you need to fill the password and username
Here is an extension I found for Google Chrome which will
solve this problem.
I’ll suggest using Remember Password extension for Chrome
and this will force the browser to remember your password
even if the website has disabled the option. I’m going to tell
more about this extension later in this post. Before that, I’ll
tell you how these website disable this feature.
How these websites disable password saving?
They disable the auto-fill option for login forms by simply
setting autocomplete=off for the password field.
<input type=”password” name=”password”
You can enable this feature by setting autocomplete field to
var fields = document.querySelectorAll(‘input
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++)
{ fields[i].autocomplete=“on”; }
What you need to do turn on this feature?
You don’t need to play with codes because there’s a simple
Chrome extension – Remember Password. Install it and it
does it automatically for you. Install the extension and
websites providing online transactions will now prompt you
to remember the passwords.
Nice one