Sunday, 1 November 2015

Experts Explain The Car Hack Process – How to Hack a Car

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Short Bytes : The recent Fiat Chrysler car hack exposed the vulnerabilities and the extent to which insecure IoT can be dangerous. The hacking of remote devices connected via internet of things is not new, and neither is the car hack. We notified you guys how Shodan-The Hacker Search Engine scouts for the devices connected to the internet and discloses the identity information making them open to attacks. Today, we share more about car hack with the help of an informative video.

Hacking the car or parts of it was never that easy, but not very tough either. The engineers have long told about the modern cars’ susceptibility to get hacked. I was looking out for the news about car hacks and stumbled upon this year-old YouTube video that explains why you should be scared if you have the latest IoT enabled car. The cars who have a cloud server, accessible by mobile networks like Bluetooth or wi-fi, are especially prone to an incursion- what we commonly refer to as a car hack.

The car hack video is an episode of Phreaked Out in which the top security researchers of the car hacking world highlight the loopholes in the sophisticated car technology. Security researcher Mathew Solnik gives the live demonstration of himself hijacking the car’s computer system and getting a complete control over the machine.

He was able to control the car’s engine, brakes and security system wirelessly through Controller Area Network or CAN bus network. For car hack, he used some microcontroller chips, a telematic control unit, a GSM transceiver and of course, his thorough research and expertise over the subject.

Check out the car hack video and see for yourself:

Source: Motherboard

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